Discover a new you!


Imagine that all the systems in your body begin to detoxify and balance from head to toe.

Nature Provides

Formulated with carefully sourced all-natural ingredients.

Safe & Effective

Our products are patented & clinically proven to be non-habit forming..

Detox & Purification

Detoxify your mind body & soul by removing harmful impurities.

Restore Balance

Return your body to its healthy natural state restoring balance.

Awaken the mind, heart, body, and soul.


Unique, one-of-a-kind products that no one else has


They are safe and effective


You’ll feel all-around better in numerous ways


Innovative, all-natural & non-habit forming


It’s easy to use – some formulas are micronized to move through the body systemically


Scientifically formulated, backed by science, patented & clinically proven


You can be a customer or take advantage of an incredible Income Opportunity


Money back guarantee (But, not one person has asked for their money back)

You Deserve It

Discover the life-changing benefits of these unique products. Our safe and effective formulas detoxify and balance your entire body, awakening your mind, heart, body, and soul. Backed by science and clinically proven, our innovative, all-natural products deliver exceptional results. Trust our patented, high-quality offerings and enjoy the journey.



Dr. Isaac Johnson, D.C. – WA Chiropractor

“I became interested in these products because of my father. Five years ago, my family had a big scare when my dad delivered the news that his doctor had told him that he had five lesions on his prostate, and some looked like they were already spreading! After pondering his treatment options, we were worried about what this would do for his quality of life and what could happen if the treatment did not work.

My dad has always been interested in health and natural therapies. He talked to a friend who had overcome a similar diagnosis, which had progressed even further. My dad decided to try it.

I wanted to know the mechanism of how one particular product worked. This product has a negatively charged crystalline structure, a honeycomb structure that acts like a cage, entrapping the toxins and escorting them out of the body. I was thrilled to learn there was research backing the claims that taking this product increases heavy metal and other toxin removals from the body through urinary excretion. They weren’t merely relying on hypotheses or anecdotes.

In Chiropractic school, I learned that thoughts, traumas, and toxins cause dis-ease. Toxins have become increasingly difficult to avoid and have a devastating impact on health. This product makes good sense! When toxins are removed, your body heals better and has more energy.

Of course, this product makes no claims to treat or cure any particular disease, but in my father’s case, three months after my father’s initial diagnosis, he went in for a prostate biopsy, and they could not find any lesions! A few days later, the doctor called my dad to report that nothing was there. Great news for our entire family!”

Marcy Littlejohn

I was going to die. I didn’t.

A few years ago, I was shattered by a diagnosis none of us want to get, but one out of two of us will get it in a lifetime. Look around. Who is next to you that you would be willing to give up because of a deadly disease? I had that illness running in all different directions all over my body. It was winning, and I didn’t know I had it.

Once I was diagnosed, they wanted to do specific treatments. I knew too much about those treatments to think that there was anything good at the end of that rainbow. I had three different opinions, and all 3 gave me the same opportunity; 18 weeks of chemistry and heated electrification. No thanks. I chose not to.

I already knew about an incredible product invented by a Bio-Scientist. So I took what I now call “the MARCY DOSE.” At the beginning of my crisis, I took ten drops every 15 minutes for the first few hours; and then ten drops ten times a day. (I still take 5-10 drops several times a day.)

I am not sure which day I no longer had that horrifying condition, but at eight weeks and one day, I no longer had it. Lo and behold, I was getting results even though I didn’t know I was getting results.

My testimony is not exceptional. It is unique to me, but I have seen it over and over in other people. It literally takes the toxins and attackers out of the body and only the good cells thrive. Those bad cells don’t like these products.

Gaby GaBella Dickey & Mochi

Last year I got a puppy, a sheep-doodle dog that we named Mochi. When she was only about three months, she got extremely sick; she wasn’t eating, drinking, or walking. I took her to the vet hospital, and we tried to figure out what was wrong with her. After a couple of tests, we found out she had deficient white cells in her body, and the Veterinarian suggested we do more tests. After paying over $3500 in hospital fees, Mochi was not getting any better.

After more tests, changing medications, an IV, and three days in the hospital, I was devastated, and I felt that if I kept her at the Vet Hospital, she would die alone, so I decided to take her home and hope for a miracle to save her life. I was desperate. I didn’t want to lose her.

After talking to my husband, we put her on one of the products. Usually, the products are for people, but it is safe to give to animals. Mochi received several small doses in the first hour, and to my surprise, after an hour, she opened her eyes and started to drink water. A couple of hours later, she weakly stood up. By the third day, she was completely better. I was so happy to see her back to normal.

What a miracle! She was dying, we gave her this product, and now she’s a healthy, almost two years old, today.

Gaby GaBella Dickey & MochiI believe these products are top quality, and you will see the results if you try them. Save your pets! People need to know how amazing these products are. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose.


I’ve had 37-plus years of pure agony from a hip injury. I’ve had eight hip operations and three total hip replacements within that eight. Between my 7th and 8th operation, I went 17 ½ years without a hip on my left side, and when I got my last hip put in, that was in 2013.

The suffering didn’t go away. I was still hurting badly because when you go that long without a hip, which is a significant part of your body, you have a severe limp and misery. My back was so bad that I couldn’t stand up straight. I couldn’t escape the torment. If I sit for a long time, I hurt. If I stand for a long time, I hurt. If I tried to sleep, I hurt. I couldn’t get away from it.

I got a product, the oral spray. When I was introduced to this product and heard Neil’s story and what it did for his foot injury, I thought that if this took half my of torture away, I would be extremely happy. I took two sprays under my tongue, and my wife sprayed three spots on my back, and then we sat down and watched a show on TV. I wasn’t expecting what would happen. Forty-five minutes later, I stood straight up and wasn’t standing like a Caveman. I didn’t hurt, and I was walking really good, and I had a huge smile on my face, and I said, “Holy Smokes, who can I call and tell them what happened!”

I’ve tried Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Cold Laser Therapy, CBD, and nothing ever touched it. And this touched it. Forty-five minutes and it was gone, and I’d literally tried everything my entire life to get rid of it.

I forgot to take it yesterday until last night before I went to bed, and I slept like a baby – I wasn’t hurting yesterday. But I also want to keep it fresh in my system, so I make a point of putting it on my counter, and when I walk by, there it is.

It really works! I only use it two, maybe three times a day at the most. When I use it, I have more flexibility, and I’m able to walk greater distances. I’ve been able to do things I haven’t done in a long time, and I don’t hurt.

Notice of Liability: The Food & Drug Administration has not evaluated these testimonials. FDA regulations prohibit therapeutic or medical claims in conjunction with the sale of any product not approved by the FDA.

A competent health practitioner should treat all serious health conditions. The information above is for education and should not be used to diagnose and treat illness. Neither the web publisher nor the author in any way dispense medical advice, prescribe remedies, or assume responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves.

Transformation awaits you

Are you ready to discover the new you?

Thayne interviews his son Carter

Hello, this is Thayne coming from the thriving metropolis of Shelley, Idaho. I want to introduce you to my son.

Thayne:Carter, you’ve been on the product for how long?

Carter:Two weeks and three days.

Thayne:And in that two weeks and three days time frame, what have you noticed?

Carter:That I can find my answers faster, and I can speak more clearly.

Thayne:And that helps you with everything you do with your schoolwork and talking with your friends. Why is this important to you, Carter?

Carter:Because without it, it would take me a longer amount of time to find my answers, and I keep repeating myself.

Thayne:Now you’re not repeating yourself, and that’s a good thing. So, I’m interviewing you, Carter, because you were diagnosed with a spectrum irregularity years ago.

Carter has had many struggles and challenges in family life and friends, life as well, and academically in school. So finding something like this and making that big of a difference is a big deal.

Thayne:Now you’re not repeating yourself, and that’s a good thing. So, I’m interviewing you, Carter, because you were diagnosed with a spectrum irregularity years ago.


Thayne:Absolutely. Everything to gain and nothing to lose. Thanks, Carter.


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